Product Details

Formulatedas per ancient scriptural process, after years of deep research, for thecurative measure of High Blood Pressure.
Approximatelyfour to nine months’ continuous treatment with CARDI-SAFE will maintain bloodpressure within normal limits. Once the blood pressure comes within normallimits - CARDI-SAFE will no more required. However it is advisable for regularcheck up of blood pressure.
Itincreases the efficiency of the heart by lowering the high blood pressure andby keeping it within normal limits.
Itreduces the risk of hemorrhage from a vessel by increasing the elasticity ofblood vessels.
Itreduces risk of stroke by ensuring proper blood circulation.
Itcures Insomnia.
CARDI-SAFEalso eliminates possibilities of Heart attack and Kidney failure by maintainingthe blood pressure within normal limits.
Allopathicmedicines should not be stopped completely at the time of starting CARDI-SAFEcapsule. 15-21 days after the simultaneous treatment with CARDI-SAFE, doses ofallopathic medicine will be reduced gradually and stop completely within next30 to 90 days.
Dose :One Capsule a day.
Composition :
Rauwolfia serpentina,Convolvulus pluricaulis,Santalum album,Symplocosracemosus,Tinospora cordifolia,Terminalia Chembulla,Piper Longum,TermanaliaArjuna,Hyoscymus niger
Presentation : 30 capsules Bottle.

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