Unique Ayurvedic (Herbal) preparation for treatment of AIDS.
Onecapsule three times a day. (for patient with very weak health – i.e. last stageof AIDS)
OneCapsule two times a day (for all other patients).
(Patienthaving constant vomiting and diarrhea, take powder from capsule, mix it withHoney and give to the patient)
From the dayfirst, it will start working. Patient with very last stage have followingbenefits.
· Controlin temperature.
· Weightgain over a period of time.
· Improvementin physical condition and health
· IncreasesCD 4 count
· Improvementin immune system so the body will have good resistance power. Which will ensureprevention of other diseases, which are very common due to AIDS.
Other Instructions:
· Patientshould absent himself/herself from sexual activities during the treatment. (Itis must, otherwise there will be less result of medicine)
· Monitorweight, Hb and CD4 count every 15th day. Viral Load every 30 days.
· Maintaintemperature record from day one.
CressaCretica,Leptadenia reticulate,Tinospora cordifolia,Picrorhiza Kurroa,Asparagusadscendens
,Zingiberofficinale,Tribulus terrestris,Caesalpinia crista,Asparagus racemosus,PiperLongum,Swertiachirata,Phaseolus radiatus,Piper Nigrum,Withania Somnifera,OcimumSanctum,Suddha Silajit,Mucuna Prurita,Commifera mukul (Suddha Guggal),Glycyrrhizaglabra,Holarrhena Antidysenterica,Feroso Revie Oxide (Iron Slag),PuerariaTubeursa,Curcuma longa,Azadirachta Indica,Terminalia Chebula
Presentation: 30 capsules Bottle.