Product Details

The ALLER-FADE remedy isfounded on the premise that allergy,caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system leading to a misdirected immuneresponse, occurs when the immune system reacts to substances (allergens) thatare generally harmless and in most people do not cause an immune response.
Whenan allergen enters the body of a person with a sensitized immune system, ittriggers antibody production. Histamine and other chemicals are released bybody tissues, such as Basophil, Eosinophil and Mast Cell, as part of the immuneresponse. This Histamine affects on three types of receptors called H-1, H-2and H-3. Out of these, H-1 receptor is responsible for symptoms of Allergy.
Thetype of symptoms that develop depends on the specific allergen, the part of thebody where exposure occurs, and the way the immune system reacts to theallergen. Symptoms vary in severity from person to person. Whatever is thecause, every time histamine released from body tissue activates the H-1receptor, which cause allergic symptoms.

ALLER-FADE HERBAL CAPSULE interruptsHistamine and prevents its contact with H-1 receptor. When H-1 receptor is notactivated through Histamine, there is no sign of allergic reaction.

Doses andmethod of ingestion:

TwoCapsules a day (One in the morning and one at evening)
The duration oftreatment normally depending upon the kind of allergy and the personal historyof the patient. In any circumstances it must be taken for minimum period of 6months continuously, after this, if require, one should extend the treatment.
Innormal circumstances, once any kind of allergy cleared by Aller-Fade HerbalCapsule, doesn’t recurred in future.

 Aller-Fade Herbal Capsule can also be taken aspreventive measure. A normal person completes a course of 90 days, can beprevented from any kind of allergic symptoms in future.
AllergenImmunotherapy i.e. allergy shots is the only way to permanently altering theimmune system so that a person is less sensitive to allergens. Allergenimmunotherapy is a repeated controlled administration of specific allergens topatients with IgE-mediated conditions. It is more useful for patient withallergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and asthma. Nasal steroids and antihistaminesmay be useful for mild allergies. CLINICAL TRIALS CONCLUDE THAT THERE ISNO PERMANENT SOLUTION OF ALLERGY: One main drawback of allergy shots is thatthey must be taken regularly. Usually shots require a three to five years’course. Moreover, one doesn't experience any effect until after six to twelvemonths. So Aller-Fade Herbal Capsule can manage allergies affectively andeconomically.
SolanumIndicum,(Cressa Cretica) (Rudanti),Ocimum Sanctum,Piper longum

Presentation: 30capsules Bottle.

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