Anexceptional Ayurvedic medicine formulated after years’ of exhaustive research,as per the Scriptural and Mantrokta system adopted by ASHWINIKUMARO, which isdevoted to ensure the existence of mankind.
Approximately15% couples attempting their first pregnancy meet with failure. Mostauthorities define these patients as infertile, if they have been unable toachieve a pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. In 60% of allcouples experiencing infertility, a male factor is involved. In approximately40 % of cases pathology is found in the male alone and in another 20 % bothmale and female are abnormal. Except some physical defects, low sperm count(Oligospermia) and poor sperm quality is responsible for male infertility inmore than 90 % of cases. Out of these in about 30 % to 40 % the cause isunexplained, in rest of the cases critical illness, malnutrition, geneticabnormalities, pollution, and also side effects of some medicines, hormones andchemicals are responsible. (In short, it is not the number but the quality ofthe sperm is more important in fertility.)
Thereare several studies in different countries leads to conclusion that there islarge-scale decrease in sperm count and quality of sperm in last 50 years. Andscientist studying the decrease in sperm count, claims that human males will beinfertile by next 50 years, if the current trend are maintained.
Increasesemen quality
Stimulatesspeedy production of sperm and incredibly increases sperm count (A Challenge to medical science)
Makessperm more healthier and strong
Increasesperm motility
Curesabnormalities of sperm
Increasesperm fertility and life
· Dose: Two capsules a day to be taken compulsorilywith milk.
· Average period of treatment is about 8to 15 months
· SEED-UP Herbal Capsules works as perbasic constitution and nature of person
· The medicine is not much help to apatient with AZOOSPERMIA.
SEED-UP Herbal Capsule, a challenge to modern science
Asper the modern medical science, the production of sperm in male body is verycomplex mechanism, which involves various organs, gland and hormones secretedfrom the glands. Not only this, but the whole system should functionharmoniously. Sperm takes 74 days toproduce and mature and therefore there is often a 4 to 6 months delay betweentreatment of the male and resulting changes in the sperm. If we make the statementin other way – according to modern science it is impossible to improve spermcount before 74 days.
SEED-UP Herbal Capsulestart increasing sperm count within 45 days.
Composition :
Cressa Cretica,Suddha Shilajit,Mucuna Prurita,Withania Somnifera
,Asparagus Racemonus,Zinc,Boitite,Iron
Presentation : 30 capsules Bottle.