Product Details

Chol-Evenmaintains the cholesterol and other lipids in the blood within normallimits.  In addition it removes toxicmaterial deposited in the cells/organs of the body. Generally persons with ahabit of chewing/eating tobaccos have good amount of toxic material depositedin their body, also due to high level of pollution, excessive use of inorganicFertilizers --- and pesticides a good amount of toxic material may deposit inbody, Chol-Even gives very good result in those cases.  Chol-Even is also very helpful in controllingfree radicals in the body
Doses and method ofingestion:
Approx.5 gms. (1 tea spoon) powder, mix it with 1 glass of water (appx. 200 ml),stirred properly and kept the overnight. The water along with the powder mustbe taken in the morning (With empty stomach. You can take tea, coffee or breakfast after 20-30 minutes)
Thetotal treatment may be around 6 to 12 months, depend on the level ofcholesterol in the blood. If the cholesterol is deposited in the blood vesselor valves, then continue till the same is removed completely. Once a normallevel is maintained, it is advisable to have a treatment of 2 months, once in ayear as a preventive measure.
·                    Reducescholesterol level to normal, maintains it within normal limits and thusprevents heart disease due to high cholesterol
·                    Removescholesterol from the athero-sclerosed blood vessels and improves supply so allthe organs and cells of the body gets adequate blood supply
·                    Practicallyeliminates possibilities of heart attack due to inadequate blood supply toheart
·                    Preventsblood vessels getting narrowed, thickened and inelastic
·                    Preventsdangerous fluctuations of high blood pressure due to high cholesterol and alsoprevents heart getting dilated
·                    Keepsall lipoproteins in the blood within normal limits [it does cardio protectivechanges in all lipoproteins in the blood]
·                    Improvesthe sense of well being, zeal, enthusiasm and energy level as a whole
CressaCretica ,Holarrhena antidysenterica,Curcum Carvi,Emblica Ribs,Rubia cordifolia,Tinosporacordifolia,Pterocarpus Marsupium,Termanalia Arjuna

Presentation: 150 gms. Bottle

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